
We will assemble representative Art+CS teams from departments of computer science, art, music, dance and theater at each institution, establish regular online inter-school meetings, and hold at least two meetings at different schools during the grant period to bring the teams together.

To strengthen this multi-institutional community, a concrete synthesis activity will be carried out —

a joint, telematic, real-time, four-institution CITA performance project, which will involve students, faculty, and necessary resources to combine motion capture, audience participation, dance, music, and visual art.

By collaborating on a real, significant art project, all faculty from participating institutions can learn how to work together, jointly use computing and art vocabulary and processes, and get to know each other as we build.  By building a project together we should experience what we expect our students to do, and better forge the working community for our eventual work on curricular design.

Upon completion of this activity, the assembled team aims to be ready to develop Curricular Guidelines for CITA degree programs, to broadly disseminate successes, lessons learned, and methods for broadening participation across the nation, with concrete student and potentially transformative social outcomes.